The human body naturally produces mucus to protect the throat and sinuses, but excessive mucus may indicate infection, acid reflux, or inflammation. Here are common causes and natural remedies:
Acid Reflux – When stomach acid backs up into the throat, it can trigger excess mucus. Remedy: Mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in water and drink before meals.
Antacid Medications – PPIs reduce acid but worsen reflux over time. Remedy: Use apple cider vinegar and take betaine hydrochloride capsules before meals.
Postnasal Drip – Sinus infections cause mucus buildup. Remedy: Rinse sinuses with a neti pot and grapefruit seed extract.
Antibiotics Overuse – They disrupt gut flora, leading to congestion. Remedy: Use natural antimicrobials like elderberry or oregano oil.
Grains & Dairy – These can trigger mucus production. Remedy: Eliminate grains and processed oils for two weeks.
Airborne Allergies – Pollen, dust, and mold increase mucus. Remedy: Use air purifiers and try bee pollen for immunity.