Zoraya ter Beek, a 28-year-old from the Netherlands, has decided to be euthanized next month, despite being physically healthy. Euthanasia, the intentional ending of life to relieve suffering, remains a divisive issue globally. Ter Beek’s choice has sparked discussions online.
Ter Beek’s decision comes amidst increased attention on euthanasia, notably Dr. Death’s ‘suicide capsules’. In the Netherlands, where euthanasia is legal, she plans to end her life due to her depression, autism, and borderline personality disorder, which she finds unbearable.

Despite opposition, euthanasia laws in the Netherlands allow for it in cases of unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement. Healthcare professionals, however, sometimes resort to it too readily, especially for psychiatric patients like Ter Beek.
Ter Beek plans to be euthanized on her sofa, preferring cremation to spare her boyfriend the task of tending to a grave. She acknowledges fear of the unknown but sees euthanasia as liberation from life, not just a journey into the unknown.